Cloud-based identity and access management vs traditional IAM

October 20, 2021

Cloud-based identity and access management vs traditional IAM: a comparison

Identity and access management (IAM) deals with securing and managing access to resources and applications within an organization. As more businesses move their operations to the cloud, there has been a shift from traditional IAM to cloud-based identity and access management (CIAM). In this blog post, we will compare the two approaches based on various factors.


It is crucial to ensure that the IAM solution is secure since it involves granting access to sensitive company information. Traditional IAM is known for its security features, which have been developed over years of use. CIAM systems have evolved to be as secure as traditional ones; however, initial concerns regarding the security of data in the cloud persist.


As a company grows, its IAM system must also scale to accommodate the additional users, applications, and devices. Traditional IAM solutions are often designed to cater to a limited number of users, which makes it difficult to scale. On the other hand, CIAM solutions are highly scalable, and as the business expands, adding more users and applications can be done in a click.


Traditional IAM solutions require a significant amount of money for purchasing and maintaining on-premises software, hardware, and personnel. In contrast, CIAM is considered a cost-effective solution since it eliminates the need for hardware and software investment, reduces operational costs, and automates several IAM functions, bringing down a company's overall security costs.

User Experience

The user experience is a crucial aspect of IAM since it affects the adoption of the solution among users. Traditional IAM solutions require the user to log in multiple times to access different applications, leading to frustration and reduced productivity. CIAM systems offer a seamless log-in experience across multiple applications, leading to higher user satisfaction.


CIAM and traditional IAM both have their strengths and weaknesses. While traditional IAM is known for its security features, CIAM is highly scalable, cost-effective, and offers a great user experience. However, it is important to note that CIAM is not a one-size-fits-all solution, and businesses must assess their requirements and choose a solution that best fits their needs.


  1. Identity Management Institute. (2018). Traditional IAM vs. CIAM. Retrieved October 10, 2021, from
  2. Gartner. (2021). Understand Identity and access management market. Retrieved October 10, 2021, from

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